1. 3-part series on the key elements and features of the product.
2. Provide insight into the challenges the product solves.
3. Execute through Social media, and direct e-mail.
4. Showcase the way in which the product increases efficiency, and reduces downtime.
2. Provide insight into the challenges the product solves.
3. Execute through Social media, and direct e-mail.
4. Showcase the way in which the product increases efficiency, and reduces downtime.
3-Part 'How-to-video' Series
As part of our overall goal, we wanted to educate the audience on how easy the device really is, to use. So much so, that anybody can. Our focus for these videos, alongside the 'learning' element, was to film in an industrial environment, a factory in a small town in Pennsylvania to be exact, where we could present a highly technical product, in a way that shows it can also be comfortable in tough conditions. Presented by product Manger, Dave Jankowski, this is the final video in the series which looks at:
'Streaming Live UT Inspections from your Mentor UT device'.
Corrosion & Erosion Microsite
To deliver on all of our objectives for the microsite, it was crucial that we included a series of videos, that look into how using the Mentor UT, can make life easier. We wanted to use these videos to not only populate the microsite, but to promote via Social media it too.
Focus Regions

More work with GE Inspection Technologies...
Corrosion Microsite & Initial Content
When we developed the microsite, our goals from a content perspective where to populate with premium content such as video, white papers, and technical articles.